Category Archives: Romania

Wine regions of Romania: Crișana Maramureș Hills

DOC regions and wine appellations The climate of Crișana-Maramureș Hills is continental with a temperate oceanic influence, with the western part of the region being cooler and the eastern side warmer. The hills are located in northern Romania, to the west of Suceava County, around Siret River (which flows through the village of Zagon). The vineyards in Crișana Maramureş Hills are planted on multiple small hillocks at altitudes between 250 and 450 meters (820 and 1,480 ft). The soils here consist mainly of sandstone with marl. Red wine varieties represent roughly 90% of planted vines. Grapes Don’t be quick to… Read more

Wine regions of Romania: Muntenia Hills

Muntenia Hills, like other regions in Romania, has a wine-making tradition that goes back thousands of years. Like other regions in Romania, Muntenia Hills has a wine-making tradition that goes back thousands of years, perhaps as early as 4,000 years ago. There is evidence of wine-making in the region in ancient times. The area is also known for its beautiful scenery, with forests and hills. The Danube river lies between the Muntenia Hills and the Bulgarian border. The Danube river stretches from the Black Forest in Germany to the Black Sea, making it the second longest river in Europe. As… Read more

Wine regions of Romania: Moldavian Hill

History The history of wine-making in Moldavian Hill goes back to the Romans, but it was only after the Second World War that viticulture really took off. Romanian vineyards were damaged and depleted during the war and a period of nationalization followed. With many farms being merged into larger entities, production focused on quantity over quality. This continued until the fall of Communism in 1989 and the subsequent privatization of land. With new owners, small vineyards began to grow again; those that had been neglected for decades were revived and those which produced little or no grapes were replaced with… Read more

Wine regions of Romania: Oltenia Hills

Most famous wine regions in the world. It’s understandable if you haven’t heard of Oltenia Hills, a wine region in Romania. Thanks to cultural barriers, Romania is only now starting to show up on the radar for wine lovers around the world. However, it has long been a favorite region among those who have visited. Situated in the south and east of Romania, the Oltenia Hills are part of a larger range called the Southern Carpathian Mountains. The hills provide ideal conditions for growing grapes that are primarily used in red wines that feature robust flavors with hints of cherry… Read more

Wine regions of Romania: Transylvania Highlands

History of wine in the region Winemaking in the Transylvania Highlands is a long tradition, going back centuries to Roman times. Romania is now the 13th largest wine producer in the world, and wineries throughout the region are proudly producing new wines from old vineyards. In fact, some of these vineyards were banned under Romania’s communist regime and are just being rediscovered and replanted after being ignored for decades. With its mountainous terrain and unique soil condition, Transylvania produces excellent wines year after year that are distinctive from those produced in other regions. The topography gives it a rich diversity… Read more

Wine regions of Romania: Dobrogea Hills

Dobrogea Hills is a new wine region in Romania. This is a new wine region, officially recognized in 2018. It is located in the south of the Black Sea coast and includes 24 villages with a total area of 5000 hectares. This new region has great potential because it is close to the Black Sea and has a Mediterranean influence which means that conditions are similar to those found in other parts of Europe such as Spain, France or Italy. It is situated in the south of the Romanian Black Sea Coast, between Mangalia and Vama Veche, with 24 villages… Read more

Wine regions of Romania: The Danube Terraces

The Danube Terraces Located in the south of Romania, the Dobrogea region is home to the Danube Terraces. This wine region is hilly and located on the Danube’s terraces. The Danube River creates a natural boundary between Romania and Bulgaria, so this region is bordered by steep vineyards on one side while it overlooks the sleepy village of Cernavoda to its north. There are six subregions that make up this wine area: Silistra, Fetesti-Cernavoda, Tulcea-Murighiol, Niculițel-Măcin, Macin Mountains and Babadag. Situation Location The vineyards are located in the northern part of Romania, on the terraces overlooking the Danube river. They… Read more

Wine regions of Romania: Banat Hills

Banat Hills, one of Romania’s six wine regions, is situated to the west of the country and borders both Serbia and Hungary. While the region’s wines are not as well-known internationally as those from Romania’s other regions, it is still a prolific area for winemaking. In fact, Banat Hills is home to Romania’s largest winery: Recas. Like most of the country’s wine regions, Banat Hills has a long history of viticulture; archeologists have even discovered vineyard plots dating back to Roman times. Today, however, white wines are more common here than red ones—the region produces over 37 million liters of… Read more

Wine regions of Romania: Transylvania Highlands

History of wine in the region Winemaking in the Transylvania Highlands is a long tradition, going back centuries to Roman times. Romania is now the 13th largest wine producer in the world, and wineries throughout the region are proudly producing new wines from old vineyards. In fact, some of these vineyards were banned under Romania’s communist regime and are just being rediscovered and replanted after being ignored for decades. With its mountainous terrain and unique soil condition, Transylvania produces excellent wines year after year that are distinctive from those produced in other regions. The topography gives it a rich diversity… Read more